Utah Chapter awards will be presented at Annual Utah Chapter meetings. Nominations should be no longer than one page in length and should demonstrate how the individual has fulfilled the criteria for the award for which they are being nominated. Please send your nominations to [email protected]
Award Categories and Criteria
Award of Merit
- Recently performed outstanding service or presentation for the profession, fishery resource, or peers.
- Service or presentation is of local or regional significance.
- The individual is well regarded by peers.
Lifetime Achievement Award
- Fishery professional for more than 20 years.
- Significant contributions to the profession on a regional or national level.
- The individual is well regarded by peers.
Professional of the Year
- Significant scientific contribution to the fishery profession or resource in the last year.
- Accomplishments in administrative, policy, or management setting.
- The individual is well regarded by peers.
Habitat Conservationist of the Year
- Awarded to an individual or entity that has demonstrated a significant contribution to the conservation (including restoration) of fish habitat.
- The individual is well regarded by peers.
Partner of the Year
- A significant contribution to the fishery resource in the last year.
- Accomplishments performed as a team effort.
Leaky Boot Award
- Uncommon action while in the performance of duties leading to a professional faux pas.
- The action was in the presence of witnesses able to describe and testify.
- The individual is well regarded by peers and not likely to negatively respond to the award.